Give Back relies on the generosity and hard work of a broad network of partners to help support our students. If you are interested in partnering with us, fill out our sign up form to get started!
Partner Spotlight
Give Back’s college partners provide significant financial support to our students through scholarships, grants, and discounted fees. But that’s only part of the story. Our partners provide a network of support services for our students often including additional counseling, academic advising, tutoring and occasionally dedicated workspaces and staff. Our partner colleges know that getting to college isn’t the answer, getting through college is what is important and Give Back, with the help of our partner schools has one of the best success rates in the country with over 75% of the students we send to college graduating within 5 years.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
College Partners
Give Back’s college partners provide significant financial support to our students through scholarships, grants, and discounted fees. But that’s only part of the story. Our partners provide a network of support services for our students often including additional counseling, academic advising, tutoring and occasionally dedicated workspaces and staff. Our partner colleges know that getting to College isn’t the answer, getting through college is what is important and Give Back, with the help of our partner schools has one of the best success rates in the country with over 75% of the students we send to college graduating within 5 years.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
School Partners
Give Back works with hundreds of middle and high schools around the country to identify and enroll students in the program. We are looking for students who have overcome significant adversity and who have the drive to change the direction of their lives. We couldn’t find these students (and they would have a hard time finding us) without the help of their teachers, guidance counselors, advisory and administrators. Many of our best referral partners are individuals within a school who know and care enough about their students to help them get the hand-up they need to be successful.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
Youth Organizations
Give Back loves to partner with local youth organizations to help serve students who need extra support. Many of these organizations start building relationships with these students early in life and continue working with them into their teen years. Many of these organizations provide programming, support and coaching that is very similar to Give Back.
Unfortunately, much of the federal, state and even private money that funds these programs is not available to help support the same students once they turn 18 or graduate from high school. Our partnerships with these groups allow us to continue their efforts past high school, through a post-secondary education and into their early adult years. Partners often come and join us at college graduations to celebrate the culmination of the work they started in that student’s early years.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
Business Partners
Give Back’s focus on career exploration, develop and training provide a wide range of opportunities for businesses to contribute to the program. While some of these partners do provide financial support to Give Back, many more provide their time and expertise to host career days or job shadowing events.
Many business owners have made career presentations to our students or provided paid internships or work opportunities. Some of our business partners have organized community drives to meet the needs of our students with school supplies, hygiene products or clothing needs for our children. Others have sponsored books and fees for a student with a specific need. We even have business partners who help recruit students into the program by sharing information about Give Back with their customers and employees.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
Foundation Partners
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CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
Government Partners
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras consectetur et tortor dignissim consectetur. Sed dapibus efficitur arcu, tempus eleifend orci accumsan in. Etiam dapibus pharetra bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi luctus nunc augue, id venenatis dui vehicula et. Nulla sed accumsan mauris, ut porta eros.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of our partners.
There are many opportunities for individuals to help work with Give Back and our students. We have opportunities to service on local advisory boards, to help provide adult support during events, to co-host fun activities, and to organize community awareness events. Programs and opportunities vary by state, but if you are looking to help we’d love to find the right opportunity for you.
CSU San Bernardino
University of La Verne
Chapman University
Montclair State University
Click here for a full list of volunteers.