Give Back High School Scholars (including those in 8th grade)

High school scholars, per the Student Program Expectations, are required to submit their grade report/report card twice per year.  If your school operates on marking periods more frequent than semesters, please submit at the conclusion of each marking period.


Give Back College Scholars

College scholars, per the Student Program Expectations, are required to submit their transcript at the conclusion of each school year.  Scholars in the California, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York programs are required to submit their grade report/transcript at the conclusion of each semester.  College scholars are also required to compose an end of the year essay summarizing your experience over the past year at school.  Instructions for the essay can be found in your student resource handbook or by logging in below.

Should you have questions or concerns regarding these requirements, please contact your local Give Back office at (888) 383-9877.

Student Lookup - Grade/Transcript Submission Form

Please use the format indicated (M/D/YYYY)