College Visit Checklist

Throughout your time as a Give Back scholar, you have had an opportunity to visit our partner colleges. Come your junior year, you should begin to view partner college options with a more discerning eye. In the late spring and summer, continue to visit colleges and universities. You should be looking to confirm one of the schools on your ranked list or rearrange the order.

Check out a printable College Visit Checklist here

TIMEFRAME: Now is the time to meet with your high school counselor once again. Make your intentions to attend one of our partner colleges clear. Let your counselor know the steps you have already taken to attend college and make a plan together to ensure that your goals can be achieved. After your meeting, remember to update your goals in your Student Action Plan for your junior year.

Exploring Majors & Careers

What are your favorite school subjects?




What do you like most about those subjects?




Take a moment to think of the volunteer projects and employment opportunities you’ve had in the past. What did you enjoy most about those experiences?





What college majors have you considered and why?




